Saturday, January 30, 2010

Week One Internet Learning Resources - Media Literacy

The fourth MEIT Course, Internet Learning Resources, kicked-off by asking the class, “What are Internet Learning Resources?” The class initially revealed their preconceived ideas of the term and later revisited after reviewing three Internet Learning Resource sites. My view or understanding of Technology Resources was not radically altered by the review of these three sites, but it did shape my expectation of what a good site such as the Media Awareness Network should offer in terms of unity, cohesion and emphasis.

On the Media Awareness Network site I found fascinating resources which increased my understanding of media literacy and how it relates to students. In the Media Issues section I delved into ‘Online Hate’ and explored an article on ‘Deconstructing Hate Sites’ which examined common characteristics of sites promoting hated against other groups. Additional articles related to this topic were linked from the same page. Later, in the Educational Games section I easily noticed an interactive game where students learn of discern bias and hate propaganda on a fictitious “Galactic Web”. The game is just one example where the Media Awareness Network site provides additional resources to help teachers actively apply a topic in a student setting.

Following my review, I took a look at what my fellow classmates found to be good Internet Learning Resource sites. There I found wide-ranging results! Not everyone had selected the Media Awareness Network but found value in other sites. Are Internet Learning Resources perceived much like beauty in the eye of the beholder? What exactly were the criteria used to select one site over the other? Well, stay-tuned because that is our next assignment for the class. We will review existing Internet Web-site evaluation forms, adapt and use to critique 3 non-commercial sites.

1 comment:

  1. What's the old saying, "One person's trash is another person's treasure". Sounds as if it may apply to people's opinions about Internet Learning Resources.
